Nonprofit Legislative Roundup

CATEGORY: Webinars on Demand

New laws affecting our nonprofit clients are about to become effective January 1, 2023.  The LCW Legislative Roundup webinar will provide an overview of these new laws impacting California nonprofits, such as changes to business, employment and governance laws for California nonprofits.  Attendees will leave this webinar with practical insights on the impacts of major new pieces of California legislation, an understanding of any new legal obligations, and helpful strategies to comply with the new laws.

Who Should Attend:
Human Resources Personnel, Compliance Officers, Directors, Business Administration and Operations Officers.

Duration: 1 hour

Please email Jaja Hung at jhung@lcw.wpxnew.riefmedia.com or call 310.981.2091.

Details Price Qty
Recordingshow details + $50.00 USD