AB 2508 – Amends Existing Law And Identifies Areas That Must Be Included In Educational Counseling As Well As Permissible Areas Of Counseling
Existing law authorizes the governing board of a school district to provide a comprehensive educational counseling program for all pupils enrolled in the school district. Existing law requires educational counseling to include academic counseling in specified areas; and authorizes educational counseling to include counseling in certain areas. Existing law defines “educational counseling” for these purposes.
AB 2508 amends existing law and urges the governing board of a school district to provide access to a comprehensive educational counseling program for all pupils enrolled in the school district. The bill requires educational counseling to include postsecondary services in the following areas:
- Development and implementation, with parental involvement, of the pupil’s immediate and long-range educational plans.
- Optimizing progress towards achievement of proficiency standards and competencies.
- Completion of the required curriculum in accordance with the pupil’s needs, abilities, interests, and aptitudes.
- Academic planning for access and success in higher education programs, including advisement on courses needed for admission to colleges and universities, standardized admissions tests, and financial aid.
- Provide high-quality career programs at all grade levels for pupils that assist pupils in specified areas.
The bill revises the definition of “educational counseling” to mean specialized services provided by a school counselor possessing a valid credential with a specialization in pupil personnel services who directly counsels pupils and implements equitable school programs and services that support pupils in their academic development, social-emotional development, and college and career readiness.
The bill also identifies eleven permissible areas that may be including educational counseling.
(AB 2508 amends Section 49600 of the Education Code.)